Questions I Hate Answering

“Sorry but I don’t want to answer that”

“No comment”

“Please direct that to my lawyer”

If only these statements were valid answers for normal humans, and not celebrities/criminals facing hectic journos outside of a court room.

Everyone has those few questions that they absolutely hate answering, yet seem to be asked them all the time. Whether they’re about your appearance, your family, or your favourite TV show, there are just some questions that I absolutely refuse to answer.

1. Did you eat all of that?

Yep. I sure did. You know why? Because I really love food and if you question my ability to eat enormous mounds of it then I’m most likely going to eat you too.

2. Do you have a boyfriend?

If I do or I don’t, why does it matter? How is that information of any value to you? I may have several, or I may have none. Either way, if you don’t know the answer to the question in the first place, then we definitely aren’t close enough friends for me to disclose it to you.

3. So what are you doing now?

I DON’T KNOW OKAY?! I really don’t know and there’s a 98% chance that if I begin to try and explain it to you I’ll begin to break down in tears and force you to hug me. Your choice buddy.

4. You’ve never been out of the country?

I know it may seem sad, but no. I’ve never travelled outside of Australia. I’ve been busy studying, and working 30+ hours a week and completing a degree. Holla at me when you win 2 million dollars and I’ll gladly take a loan to head on over to Greece.

5. How’s Uni?

Great. I’m ready to drop out and become a stripper any day now.


Please avoid asking me any of the above questions and I’ll be one happy gal.

insta: lfrendon


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