How to live with a boy

My boyfriend and I just celebrated our one year anniversary of living together and were both pleasently surprised that we made it. It was his first time living out of home, and my first time living with a boy, so it was safe to say we were both going to face a few challenges. Luckily, […]

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3 words. 8 letters.

The other day I was teaching a bunch of 5 year olds how to dance, and at the end of the class one of them came gushing over to me. I was expecting her to ask for a stamp on her hand, or even some sort of treat. She simply goes to me: “Miss Laura, […]

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Pyscho or Pyschic?

I can guarantee you that every single girl has been called a psycho in her lifetime. Whether it’s because of her personality, her wants and needs, or her lack of trust, I bet you $10 she’s been called a psycho for some reason or another. You guessed it; I’ve definitely been called a psycho before. […]

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The thing about “things”

I’ve only really had one long term boyfriend in my life so far and it started off with a game of hide and seek (we were really cool 16 year olds, obviously). A few weeks later he asked me to be his girlfriend in a way that was so lame, it was cute, and from […]

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Friendly or Flirty?

It’s becoming a common reoccurrence lately where people are mistaking my friendliness for flirting. Both guys and gals seem to assume my sarcastic and witty nature towards guys is actually my way of flirting. When really, my way of flirting is going bright red and struggling to even string 5 words together. Hard to resist […]

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