Gen Y Gentlemen

It has been brought to my attention that gentlemen are a dying breed. Gone are the days where guys rock up at your doorstep with a bunch of flowers, surprise you with a picnic, or call you just to say they miss you. Gone are the days where guys open doors for you or offer you a compliment about your personality. I’m sad to say they just don’t exist anymore.

What has happened to the world?! Is it that un-cool for a guy to be seen as sensitive? Are they not allowed to show feelings anymore? As a matter of fact are they just not allowed to be nice anymore?

To me, a gentleman is someone who is kind and considerate to women and other men, someone who respects themselves, and someone who isn’t a down right asshole. It’s a pretty easy mold to fit, but I still can’t manage to find them amongst my generation.

Let me lay out the differences I’ve found between my idea of a gentleman, and the guys I encounter on a daily basis.

Giving compliments:

Gentleman – You look lovely today. You look great without makeup. That dress looks amazing on you.

Guys today – Nice ass. Nice rack. You’re hot.

Picking you up from your house:

Gentleman – Arrives on time, knocks on your front door, brings you flowers (donuts are also an excellent choice)

Guys today – 15 minutes late, text you from their car “here” and wait for you to come to them.

Date ideas:

Gentleman – Want to come over to my house? I’ll cook dinner and we can watch a movie.

Guys today – Netflix and chill?

I have also come across some fake gentlemen in recent times. Guys who act like gentlemen to your face, but are actually giant sleezes. They follow all of the guidelines written above, but put it on as an act to lure you in. Look out for those.

I think the problem with guys today is that they’re afraid. Afraid to be a gentleman and go the extra mile for a girl in case she turns him down. It’s always hard being the one with more feelings. So, live a little! Take the plunge! You might end up surprising yourself! Honestly, it’s not hard to be nice.


Insta: lfrendon


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